Corten Information

What is Corten \ Weathering Steel?

Weathering steel is usually referred to by its trademark name COR-TEN (or simply Corten) and is known for its superior corrosion resistance and thickness. This is because the surface of the steel forms a protective oxide layer when exposed to the weather. In other words, the steel is allowed to rust in order to protect itself.

We love the warm natural appearance of rust. Unlike mild steel that will rust through when left out in the elements, This protective layer, prevents the steel from rusting through. The surface continually regenerates itself each time it is subjected to poor weather creating its own protective coating and a lovely rusted finish.

Your item will come to you in a bare metal finish and will gradually rust when exposed to the elements. As Corten steel is a natural product and keeps aging it does it under goes a variety of texture and colour changes, similar to a natural timber.

If you prefer a more uniformed finish, then you can apply WD40 or Inox with a cloth. As this is an oil not a lacquer, this can be applied as often as you would like and does not crack of peel.

If you search for corten aging, this gives you a large variety of examples of the finishes at various stages. See below for some examples.

The Benefits

Corten steel offer the following benefits:

  • The plate steel never requires treatment for longevity before installation
  • It creates a unique  look that works as an interesting design feature
  • It's for hard-wearing, high tensile steel
  • It removes the need for painting. In fact, painting Corten steel sheet actually eliminates its corrosion resistance because it prevents the protective film from forming over time
  • Corten Steel is double the tensile strength of mild steel.

How to clean Corten Steel?

Rinse the rusted surfaces of the plate steel with water to remove any natural debris or contaminates.

Does Corten Stain surfaces ?

Yes,  the carbon runoff from its surface, particularly during the early stage of weathering, can stain concrete, stucco, paint and stone surfaces. This is greatly reduced when material is aged.

Can you paint Corten Steel?

There is no need to paint Corten. In fact, this type of plate steel was designed to remove the need for painting.
Your item will come to you in a bare metal finish  your item will gradually rust when exposed to the elements.

Fabrication ?

Corten is a versitle material you can weld, drill and bend the product as requried.